Active Tameside – Commercial Photography

Redfive Media were commissioned by Active Tameside to create a series of images for website, social and print media.

THE BRIEF: Create a series of photographs of Active Tameside sites, facilities, staff and clients for use on web, social and print.

How Redfive Media created the content.

  • Liased closely with Active Tameside to understand their requirements, collaborated in the creative process and advised on technical issues.
  • Arranged early morning shoots on site so we had exclusive access to the facilities without impacting on Active Tameside members use of the facilities.
  • Shot the venues over 3 days.
  • Created a series of natural light headshots, venue images, equipment and new facilities.
  • Edited and delivered the images digitally on a secure online gallery within 24 hours of the final photo shoot.
  • Supplied images in a variety of sizes for web, print and social use.

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